Abington Quarterly Meeting's
Summer Gathering and Quaker Cookout & Potluck

Sunday, August 4, 2024

9 AM -  1 or 2 PM (Depending on how long the fun lasts!)

Please note: check back for updates, new documents and resources.
Scroll down this event page for the Sign Up Sheet, business meeting link, documents and fun and games information.
AQM Aug 4 FINAL 1280x720
Directions & Location: Horsham Friends Meeting at 500 Easton Road, Horsham, PA 19044
  8:30 AM  - Set Up - all welcome to help set up tables inside and outside, get grills readied etc.
  9:00 AM - Spirit Led Business - hybrid  (scroll down for Zoom link) 
10:30 AM - Worship - in person only
11:30 AM - Food, Fun, & Fellowship!

Contact Kelly Green at abingtonquarterclerk@gmail.com if you have questions or items for the Business Meeting.


This is the perfect event of the year for all nine meetings of Abington Quarter to pitch in - for food, fun, and fellowship.


It is a Potluck!   
We also need a sprinkler, a few grill cooks and help with child care.
We welcome friends (young Quakers would be awesome to take the lead on this) to organize some lawn activities - frisbee, croquet, soccer, etc. for 'kids' of all ages.
Community Spirit 
When construction delays forced Abington Friends to cancel hosting AQM this summer, Horsham Friends, one of our smallest meetings, offered their lovely grounds and meeting house for the August Quarterly Meeting.
Thank you Horsham! 

The nine acres of nature (including a crick in the back) are ideal for intergenerational mixing - and the simple pleasures of summer.

Photo credit: Horsham's website. Young friends playing down by the creek. (Please note - these lovely people have had their faces blurred to protect their privacy. In real life- they have eyebrows!)
Horsham Friends children playi

Childcare (4 and under) and Youth Quaker activities during Quarter business and Worship

We seek some Friends who have clearances to be willing to offer child care and youth activities. While we don't know if or how many families are coming - we want to welcome everyone!

The Horsham grounds provide nine acres of nature to explore (including a creek), or enjoy outdoor play - (especially if someone brings a sprinkler or ball)! 

If you are so led to help  - and you have your clearances -  let the Clerk know or contact Lanza, the AQM Communications Coordinator at AbingtonQTRcommunications@gmail.com.

Families are vital for healthy Quaker meetings.  It is important that Friends commit to offering Childcare (4 and under) and Youth Quaker activities so caregivers can also participate in the Quarter's Business and Worship.  


Link to Documents for Quarterly Business, including Agenda and reports 
You will navigate by clicking on the Eighth Month and/or August 4, 2024 Quarterly Business links.

Zoom Link

Meeting ID: 869 9719 0584
Passcode: MonthlyMtg
This Zoom link will be used only for the Business portion of Quarterly Meeting. 
The Worship portion of Quarterly Meeting will be offered in -person only - in keeping with the tradition of our host, Horsham Friends Meeting.
  • The Quarterly Business will be recorded to be included in the records and shared with Friends.
  • Friends who wish to attend but do not want to be on camera can easily choose to not be on camera
Friends on Zoom can change their preferences so names or faces are not shown.
Friends in the meetinghouse may sit in areas outside of camera view.

If you have questions, or need  technical support, let us know - preferably ahead of the session so we can help friends to be comfortable.

Email:  Office@AbingtonQuarterlyMeeting.org
Bob R.: 215 - 964- 5738

Inter-visitation is one of the oldest and most rewarding practices of the Religious Society of Friends. It allows for deeper understanding and cooperation between Quakers.
Thank you for visiting with Horsham Friends for
the Abington Quarterly Meeting on August 4, 2024! 

The Quaker meetings in the Abington Quarter:  Abington - Byberry -  Gwynedd – Horsham – Norristown – Plymouth – Richland – Unami - Upper Dublin
Hello and welcome to our meeting. If you are a new visitor, we have a page for you which has answers to common questions about joining us for worship or other events.
Click here to see more.

Planning your Visit

Information about
 Plymouth Meeting Friends 

All welcome to join us during our times of worship and events

Are you new to Quaker Meeting for Worship?  New to the area? Please check out our New to Meeting for Worship page to read about our way of worshiping. Explore our web site to see what goes on at our Quaker Meeting and School.

Information about Plymouth Friends Meeting

Accessibility -click here to expand text
Our Meeting house and facilities are wheelchair accessible with assistance to open outside door. Assistance with navigating the gravel parking lot is available as needed.

Childcare during worship - click here to expand text
We are a small Meeting, however engaging adults with clearances are available weekly for childcare and lessons for children of all ages
  • Phone Contact: Rebecca Cratin  215-542-8738
  • Directions to Plymouth Meeting /Map - Click here to go to the map page
  • Times of worship - click here to go to the times of worship page
  • Contact Info for Plymouth Meeting - click here to go to the contact page
  • Plymouth Meeting Friends School - Click here to go to the PMFS page
Information about what is happening at Plymouth Friends and the wider Quaker Community
  • Newsletter - click here
  • News and Events - click here
  • Peace and Social Concerns - click here 
  Additional Resources and Plymouth's History
  • Meeting Resources - click here
  • Our Meeting's History - click here