Immigrant and Refugee Concerns
Refugees are the human face of international injustice. They are the place – in this country – where we see the real impact of inequality: armed conflict, the inability of failed states to provide a secure home for their citizens, and abusive governments. The impact of climate change adds a further dimension in increasing pressure on land and resources. “ Michael Bartlet, the parliamentary liaison officer for Quakers in Britain
Today, Quakers in Britain, Canada, the US, Australia and New Zealand are lobbying their governments to ensure that policies towards immigrants and refugees are based on a respect for human rights - Quakers in the World
Plymouth Monthly Meeting has with each generation sought to find ways to address Immigration and Refugee issues as they change over time from activity to support the Underground Railroad to the housing of German families to the Vietnam Boat peoples.
Click below for current information about Immigration and Refugee needs
Click here for ways to help Afghan immigrants and refugees