Peace and Social Concerns

New News and Events Post : June 24th  [Click Here]

(Click ► for fuller understanding)   

       Worship and Witness are two pillars of Quaker spirituality.  
  • Worship in the Quaker tradition is fundamentally receptive and contemplative.
  • Witness is active, testifying to the power of God to transform the human condition and seeking to engage the world to improve human society.
At their best, each is rooted in the other: social action can be an expression of wor­ship, and worship can participate in remaking society. For Friends, the experience of divine leading links the two.
  • Our witness grows out of God's leading as encountered in contem­plative worship.
  • Faithfulness to leadings, in turn, enhances the experience of worship.

Michael L. Beirkel; Silence and Witness – The Quaker Tradition, p.15.

Relationship of Faith to Practice

       Active concerns of Plymouth Monthly Meeting and its Members.  
(under construction - to help with the page click here to send email offering to help)

Immigration / Refugees / Evacuees


Indigenous Peoples Concerns


Peace / Justice / Racial Issues/  

Stewardship of the Creation / Climate Change


Recent Posts

The Lenape Speak
Saturday, July 27, A Day Long Conference focusing on Lenape Culture
2024 Lenape Symposium
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Two Upcoming events to Learn More About Indigenous Neighborseysville, PA 19438
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2024 Multi-Church Servants Saw At Work Home Building
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2024 Code Blue Center A Successful first Year
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Penn and Mead Event
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Father Comes Home from the War
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Plymouth Monthly Meeting Indigenous Working Group
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Opportunity to help the Code Blue Center 
When the temperature falls below 32 degrees F, the shelter opens for folks to come and enjoy a hot meal, a warm bed. A morning blessing bag of nutritious snacks is provided as they leave in the morning. We are inviting you to help make ...
A Silent Procession for Peace
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Why Palestine Matters
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Occupied with Nonviolence
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Worm Project
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Hello and welcome to our meeting. If you are a new visitor, we have a page for you to get to know us and learn more about joining us for worship or other events.
Click here to see more.

Planning your Visit


New to Quaker Meetings for Worship? 

If you've never attended a un-programed Meeting for Worship, we hope you will come worship with us -- give it a try.
Click here for directions and contact information.
Our Meeting house and facilities are wheel chair accessible. Assistance with navigating the gravel parking lot is available as needed.
We are a small Meeting how ever adults with clearances are available weekly for child care and lessons for children of all ages.
Meeting for Worship is the heart of the Religious Society of Friends. It is a place of communion with the always present living Spirit of God. “Our worship is the search for communion with God and offering of our selves – body and soul- for doing God’s will.” Faith and Practice 1974    

This is a lofty purpose as we step out of our everyday life on a Sunday morning. Alone, without Clergy to lead our thoughts. Without music chosen for us to raise our spirits. Nor art upon the walls and windows to bring its beauty into our hearts. Yet “Some people find that almost instantly when they attend their first Friends Meeting for Worship, as they settle into the silence, they feel themselves gathered into a living Presence and they know they have come home at last. Others may experience their first Quaker worship as difficult and strange, but something keeps drawing them back until they gradually grow into a richer and richer experience of worship. And some people, including life long Quakers, never seem to find it at all and sometimes turn away to other forms of worship..” Bill Tabor: Four Doors  

As you chose to come in and sit down to worship with us, let go of any shoulds and needs. Simply know that you are loved and rest in the peace of the gathered community.

Many have found help in metaphors, like the one below about the pebble, or in reading the experience of others in Meeting for worship and/or viewing the "introductory" videos (below) to answer questions that might arise in expectation of attending a Quaker Meeting for Worship. Please feel free to contact us with any questions. We are happy to talk with you or correspond by email. 

A message offered during worship -- vocal ministry -- has been described as a pebble tossed into a pond. The resulting ripples are received by others in the meeting and may contribute to their own spiritual journeys. 
Readings about Meeting for Worship in the manner of un-programmed Friends
Videos about Meeting for Worship (Click ► to open table of videos)  
20190519 123547
                                                     New to Meeting for Worship

New to Meeting for Worship in the Manner of Friends

Worship 1

Quaker Worship Part 1:
The Challenge of Sitting in Silence

What happens when you try to sit in silence for an hour? These seven Quakers discuss the challenge of being alone with one’s thoughts in Quaker worship, and the opportunity for grace and true communion on the other side.
Worship 2

Quaker Worship Pt 2:
Giving Vocal Ministry

In the Quaker religion, adherents believe that a higher power can speak through them. We asked Quakers what it’s actually like to experience this.
Worship 3

Quaker Worship Pt 3:
The Gathered Meeting

The potential for this worshiping experience that you’re going to be walking into, it’s one of the most inspiring things that I’ve ever witnessed and been part of, which I think is the reason I’m still Quaker with all the things that I struggle with. It’s that potential that keeps us there. But the potential is this thing that we call a “gathered” meeting or a “covered” meeting.

Why Quakers Worship In Silence

On the surface, it can seem like Quaker worship is just sitting in silence. But as Lloyd Lee Wilson explains, something much more profound is happening.


My First Time at Quaker Meeting

“My 1st impression of Quaker meeting was confusion. I really couldn't believe that people were uniting together in practice, not in dogma. This was literally incomprehensible to me. The fact that people believed different things and used different language and yet could come together to be a great community because they shared the same set of practices...”

What's it like to attend Quaker meeting for worship for the first time? We asked 6 Friends what they remember about their first experience.

Quaker Silence

"Silence is the ground out of which worship comes. The silence leaves the space for the sound, the whisper, even the noise of the spirit."

We asked a diverse group of Friends what they find most valuable about silence in Meeting for Worship. This is what they said.
Quaker Glossary

The Difference Between Quaker Meeting
and Other Services

"We are a seeking faith community. We experience the space in which we can explore our spiritual journey. We are not offering answers, but trying to ask the right questions." 

How does Quaker Meeting compare to other Christian services? Quaker author Ben Pink Dandelion explores this question.



Modern Quakers
                                                                  Quakerism in the 21st Century



Quaker Glossary

“Monthly Meeting”, “Clerk”, “Convincement”, “Clearness”, “Minutes” – What do all these words have in common? They all mean something specific to Quakers! In this video we teamed up with Philadelphia Yearly Meeting to define 12 common Quaker terms.    

9 Core Quaker Beliefs

As a lifelong Quaker, Arthur Larrabee was frustrated that he couldn’t answer the question, “What do Quakers believe?” So he set out to do just that. 


The Experience of Newcomers

What draws seekers to Quakerism, and what keeps them coming back? Philadelphia Yearly Meeting and QuakerSpeak asked seven people who have been attending Meeting for 2 years or less.

What Do Quakers Believe?

What do Quakers believe? As an experiential religion with no creed, there isn’t always an easy answer. We asked 26 Quakers about belief, and the resulting conversations were powerful.

Leaving Quakerism Better

Norval Reece was giving a tour of his Quaker meetinghouse when someone asked, “What is this space used for now?” That’s when he realized we’ve got to do a better job of telling our story. 

How Quaker Meeting Changed My Life

Lidney Molnari was “church shopping” when he had an experience that spoke to his condition at Live Oak Friends Meeting in Houston, TX.


20190519 123547
                                                               Some History of Quakerism

Some History of Quakerism    


BPD - Quakerism 09-2022 #1

The Start of Quakerism (Part 1 of 4)

Ben Pink Dandelion (of the Woodbrooke Center (Professor of Quaker Studies)) discusses the origins of Quakers.     
BPD - Quakerism 09-2022 #2

The Start of Quakerism (Part 2 of 4)

(Part 2 of a 4 part series)  Ben Pink Dandelion (of the Woodbrooke Center (Professor of Quaker Studies)) discusses the origins of Quakers.    

Ben Pink Dandelion 09-2022 3rd of 4 Quaker History Videos

The Start of Quakerism (Part 3 of 4)

(Part 3 of a 4 part series)  Ben Pink Dandelion (of the Woodbrooke Center (Professor of Quaker Studies)) discusses the origins of Quakers.

BPD - Quakerism 09-2022 #4

The Start of Quakerism (Part 4 of 4)

(Part 4 of a 4 part series)  Ben Pink Dandelion (of the Woodbrooke Center (Professor of Quaker Studies)) discusses the origins of Quakers.