An Evening with
Jerry Krantman


Jerry Krantman collects wonderful songs. Some you may recognize from the far edges of your memory. Others that you may wonder why you never heard before. He also writes songs. Some of his lyrics have a lot of fun with the English language. His highly developed sense of false modesty prevents him from saying more.  

Tuesday July 30th at 7pm
Watch and listen online  
Obtain a free ticket and login information Click here to go to the AFTON Ticket site for Live stream events.

Can not be free on Tuesday evening, obtain a ticket and you can watch anytime through Wed July 31st until 8:18 pm

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Planning your Visit

Information about
 Plymouth Meeting Friends 

All welcome to join us during our times of worship and events

Are you new to Quaker Meeting for Worship?  New to the area? Please check out our New to Meeting for Worship page to read about our way of worshiping. Explore our web site to see what goes on at our Quaker Meeting and School.

Information about Plymouth Friends Meeting

Accessibility -click here to expand text
Our Meeting house and facilities are wheelchair accessible with assistance to open outside door. Assistance with navigating the gravel parking lot is available as needed.

Childcare during worship - click here to expand text
We are a small Meeting, however engaging adults with clearances are available weekly for childcare and lessons for children of all ages
  • Phone Contact: Rebecca Cratin  215-542-8738
  • Directions to Plymouth Meeting /Map - Click here to go to the map page
  • Times of worship - click here to go to the times of worship page
  • Contact Info for Plymouth Meeting - click here to go to the contact page
  • Plymouth Meeting Friends School - Click here to go to the PMFS page
Information about what is happening at Plymouth Friends and the wider Quaker Community
  • Newsletter - click here
  • News and Events - click here
  • Peace and Social Concerns - click here 
  Additional Resources and Plymouth's History
  • Meeting Resources - click here
  • Our Meeting's History - click here